How do you Defrost Frozen Fish Sticks (Fish Fingers)?

Defrosting frozen fish sticks (or fish fingers) can be intimidating, especially if you need to do it quickly. However, with the right approach, you can defrost your fish sticks speedily and have a delicious meal ready for your family or friends.

This article provides a complete guide on defrosting fish sticks quickly and efficiently. With our tips and tricks, you can enjoy your favorite meal fast!

How long does it take to defrost frozen fish sticks?

The time it takes to defrost frozen fish sticks will depend on your chosen method. Here are some options:

  • Refrigerator: If you have time to plan, you can defrost the fish sticks in the fridge. This is the safest method as it prevents the growth of harmful bacteria. The fish sticks will take about 24 hours to defrost in the refrigerator thoroughly.
  • Cold water: If you need to defrost the fish sticks more quickly, place them in a sealed plastic bag and submerge them in cold water. Change the water every 30 minutes to ensure that it stays cold. This method should take about 30 minutes to defrost 1 pound of fish sticks.
  • Microwave: You can also defrost the fish sticks in the microwave, but it’s essential to use the defrost setting and follow the manufacturer’s instructions. The microwave defrosting time will depend on the wattage of your microwave and the amount of fish sticks you’re defrosting.

Note: Once the fish sticks are fully defrosted, cooking them immediately is essential to ensure they are safe to eat.

How do defrost frozen fish sticks fast?

While the safest way to defrost fish sticks is by using the refrigerator, you can use the cold water or microwave method if you need to defrost them quickly.

Here are the steps to defrost frozen fish sticks quickly:

  1. Cold water method:
  • Place the frozen fish sticks in a resealable plastic bag, ensuring no air pockets.
  • Fill a large bowl with cold water and submerge the bag of fish sticks in the water.
  • Change the water every 30 minutes to keep it cold.
  • The fish sticks should be thoroughly defrosted within 30 to 60 minutes, depending on the size of the fish sticks.
  1. Microwave method:
  • Place the frozen fish sticks on a microwave-safe plate, ensuring they are not touching each other.
  • Set the microwave to the defrost setting and enter the weight of the fish sticks.
  • Start the microwave and pause it every 30 seconds to flip the fish sticks over.
  • Continue defrosting the fish sticks in 30-second intervals until they are fully defrosted.
  • It’s essential to cook the fish sticks immediately after defrosting them in the microwave to prevent the growth of harmful bacteria.

Note: It’s not recommended to defrost fish sticks quickly using hot water or at room temperature as this can promote the growth of bacteria and result in foodborne illness.


Can you defrost frozen fish sticks in a microwave?

Yes, you can defrost frozen fish sticks in a microwave. However, it’s essential to use the defrost setting and follow the manufacturer’s instructions, as the defrosting time will vary depending on the wattage of your microwave and the amount of fish sticks you’re defrosting.

Here are the general steps to defrost fish sticks in a microwave:

  • Remove the frozen fish sticks from the packaging and place them on a microwave-safe plate.
  • Set the microwave to the defrost setting and enter the weight of the fish sticks.
  • Start the microwave and pause it every 30 seconds to flip the fish sticks over.
  • Continue defrosting the fish sticks in 30-second intervals until they are fully defrosted.
  • Once the fish sticks are fully defrosted, cooking them immediately is essential to ensure they are safe to eat.

It’s important to note that microwave defrosting may result in uneven defrosting, so it’s essential to check the fish frequently to ensure they are not cooking during defrosting.

Should you defrost frozen fish sticks in an oven, and if so, at which temp?

While you can defrost frozen fish sticks in an oven, it’s not the recommended method as it can result in uneven defrosting and may also cause the fish sticks to dry out or cook slightly.

If you prefer to defrost your fish sticks in the oven, here are the general steps to follow:

  • Preheat your oven to a low temperature, such as 200°F (93°C).
  • Place the frozen fish sticks on a baking sheet in a single layer.
  • Put the baking sheet in the oven and leave the oven door slightly ajar to allow air circulation.
  • Check the fish sticks every 10 to 15 minutes and flip them over to ensure even defrosting.
  • Continue defrosting until the fish sticks are fully thawed.
  • Once the fish sticks are fully defrosted, you can cook them according to the package instructions.

It’s important to note that defrosting fish sticks in the oven may take longer than other methods, and it’s crucial to keep a close eye on them to prevent overcooking or burning. Additionally, if you plan to cook the fish sticks after defrosting them in the oven, adjust the cooking time accordingly, as the fish sticks may cook slightly during defrosting.

Air Fryer

Can you put frozen fish sticks into an air fryer?

Yes, you can put frozen fish sticks into an air fryer to cook them. Here are the general steps to follow:

  • Preheat the air fryer to 400°F (200°C).
  • Place the frozen fish sticks in the air fryer basket, ensuring they do not overlap.
  • Cook the fish sticks for 8 to 10 minutes, flipping them halfway through the cooking time.
  • Check the fish sticks for doneness by cutting into one with a knife or biting into one to ensure the inside is cooked and the breading is crispy.
  • If the fish sticks are not fully cooked, you can cook them for an additional 1 to 2 minutes.
  • Once the fish sticks are fully cooked, remove them from the air fryer and serve them hot.

Cooking frozen fish sticks in an air fryer is a quick and convenient way to get crispy, delicious fish sticks without deep frying. Air frying also requires little to no oil, making it a healthier alternative to traditional frying methods.

Should you defrost frozen fish sticks in cold/warm water?

When defrosting frozen fish sticks, using cold water instead of warm water is recommended. Cold water is safer than warm water because it prevents the growth of bacteria that can cause foodborne illness.

Here are the steps to defrost frozen fish sticks in cold water:

  • Remove the frozen fish sticks from the packaging and place them in a resealable plastic bag, ensuring no air pockets.
  • Fill a large bowl with cold water and submerge the bag of fish sticks in the water.
  • Change the water every 30 minutes to keep it cold and ensure even defrosting.
  • Depending on the size of the fish sticks, they should be thoroughly defrosted within 30 to 60 minutes.

It’s important to note that you should never use warm or hot water to defrost frozen fish sticks or any other type of frozen food. Warm water can cause the food to enter the “danger zone” temperature range, where bacteria can overgrow, increasing the risk of foodborne illness.

Warm Water

Why shouldn’t you defrost frozen fish sticks in warm water?

You should not defrost frozen fish sticks in warm water because warm water can cause the food to enter the “danger zone” temperature range, where bacteria can overgrow, increasing the risk of foodborne illness.

The “danger zone” is the temperature range between 40°F (4°C) and 140°F (60°C), where bacteria can multiply rapidly and cause foodborne illness. When you use warm water to defrost frozen fish sticks, the outer layer of the fish sticks will thaw quickly, while the center may remain frozen. This can cause the temperature of the fish sticks to rise quickly, potentially allowing bacteria to grow.

Using warm water to defrost frozen fish sticks can also cause them to lose their texture and flavor, as the heat can cause the proteins in the fish to denature and break down. This can result in a mushy, unappetizing texture and a loss of flavor.

To avoid these risks, it’s best to use cold water to defrost frozen fish sticks, as it will safely and evenly thaw them without the risk of bacterial growth or loss of texture and flavor.

Should you always thaw frozen fish sticks before using them?

It is generally recommended to thaw frozen fish sticks before using them, as it can help ensure even cooking and prevent the fish from becoming too dry or overcooked. However, some cooking methods, such as baking or air frying, may allow you to cook the fish sticks directly from frozen without thawing.

Thawing frozen fish sticks before cooking them can also help to reduce the risk of bacterial growth and foodborne illness. If you plan to cook the fish sticks from frozen, follow the cooking instructions carefully and adjust the cooking time to ensure they are fully cooked and safe to eat.

Generally, it is best to thaw frozen fish sticks in the refrigerator or use cold water. Using warm water or leaving them at room temperature can allow bacteria to grow and increase the risk of foodborne illness.

If you are short on time, you may be able to use a microwave to defrost the fish sticks, but be sure to follow the microwave instructions carefully to prevent overcooking or uneven heating.

How do you get frozen fish sticks crispy/crunchy?

Frozen fish sticks crispy and crunchy can be achieved through proper cooking techniques. Here are some tips to help you get the perfect crispy and crunchy texture:

  • Preheat the oven or air fryer: It’s important to preheat your cooking appliance before cooking the fish sticks. This ensures that the heat is evenly distributed, which will help to create a crispy and crunchy exterior.
  • Use a wire rack: Placing the fish sticks on a wire rack instead of directly on a baking sheet or in the air fryer basket can help to allow air to circulate the fish sticks, which will help to create a crispy texture.
  • Use a high heat: Cooking the fish sticks at a high temperature, such as 400°F (200°C), will help to create a crispy and crunchy texture.
  • Don’t overcrowd the cooking surface: Leave enough space between the fish sticks for proper air circulation. Overcrowding the cooking surface can lead to uneven cooking and a soggy texture.
  • Use a coating or breading: Adding a layer or breading to the fish sticks can help to create a crispy and crunchy texture. You can use breadcrumbs, panko, or even crushed cornflakes for a delicious crunch.
  • Flip the fish sticks: Flip the fish sticks over halfway through the cooking time to ensure even cooking and a crispy texture on both sides.

By following these tips, you can achieve perfectly crispy and crunchy frozen fish sticks that will surely be a hit at the dinner table.

How do you prepare frozen fish sticks after unfreezing them?

After unfreezing frozen fish sticks, there are several ways to prepare them. Here are some standard cooking methods:

  • Baking: Preheat the oven to 400°F (200°C), arrange the fish sticks on a baking sheet, and bake for 12-15 minutes, flipping once halfway through cooking, until they are golden brown and crispy.
  • Frying: Heat 1-2 inches of oil in a frying pan or deep fryer to 350°F (180°C), and fry the fish sticks for 3-4 minutes until golden brown and crispy. Drain on paper towels before serving.
  • Air Frying: Preheat the air fryer to 400°F (200°C), arrange the fish sticks in a single layer in the basket, and cook for 10-12 minutes, flipping once halfway through cooking, until they are golden brown and crispy.
  • Grilling: Preheat the grill to medium-high heat, lightly oil the grates, and grill the fish sticks for 3-4 minutes per side until golden brown and cooked through.

When preparing frozen fish sticks, it’s essential to cook them until they are cooked through and reach an internal temperature of 145°F (63°C) to ensure they are safe to eat.

You can check the internal temperature using a food thermometer. Serve the fish sticks hot and crispy with your favorite dipping sauce and side dishes.

How long do defrosted frozen fish sticks last?

Defrosted frozen fish sticks typically last 2-3 days in the refrigerator when stored in an airtight container or wrapped tightly in plastic wrap. It’s essential to store the fish sticks appropriately to prevent them from spoiling or developing an off flavor.

If you don’t plan to use the defrosted fish sticks within a few days, you can store them in the freezer for up to 3-4 months. Just wrap them tightly in plastic or airtight containers to prevent freezer burn.

Always follow food safety guidelines when handling and storing fish sticks or other food. If the fish sticks have an off smell or appearance, or if you’re unsure whether they’re still safe to eat, it’s best to discard them to avoid the risk of foodborne illness.

Can you refreeze frozen fish sticks once thawed?

It’s generally not recommended to refreeze frozen fish sticks once they have been thawed, as freezing and thawing can cause changes in the texture and quality of the fish sticks.

The thawing process can allow bacteria to grow on the surface of the fish sticks, and refreezing them may not kill these bacteria.

If you’ve thawed more fish sticks than you need, it’s best to cook the remaining fish sticks and then store them in the refrigerator for up to 2-3 days or in the freezer for up to 3-4 months, as long as they have been cooked properly and stored in an airtight container.

This will help ensure that the fish sticks remain safe to eat and maintain quality.